Syngonium Varieties: 20 common and unique Syngonium types

Syngonium is a houseplant and is very popular for multiple reasons. They can tolerate low light and humidity. It is a plant with three-lobed leaves so they fall in arrowhead plant varieties. They grow quickly and caring for them is very easy even for inexperienced ones.

These are the best indoor plants with a unique leaves pattern. The different Syngonium varieties are native to the tropical rain forests of Mexico and South and Central America. Thirty different varieties are found in the wild and only three of them are “domesticated”.

Some Common and Rare Arrowhead Plant Types

The Syngonium plant varieties with their unique leafy pattern that makes them eye-catching, are listed here;

Syngonium Podophyllum pink allusion

This plant variety has pink foliage with a delicate structure. The leaves are spotted with pink shades and have an arrowhead shape. It is a rare variety and is easy to grow inside a house. It has wide and pink pale leaves.

Some of its varieties have the whole of the leaves pink while others have light greenish veins. The Syngonium plants resemble pothos due to their leaf shape and trailing nature.

types of syngonium

This plant has a similarity with the Neon Robusta, it is another type of syngonium. These can differentiated with their pink allusion.

Syngonium Podophyllum Trileaf Wonder 

It is a unique and unusual variety that can’t grow until watered. They are very rare and native to Mexico, Brazil, and Bolivia. The newly born leaves are light green and are converted into glossy, dark green after getting mature. The Trileaf is known for its narrow and trilobed structure. 

syngonium types

Syngonium Podophyllum white butterfly 

This plant is named so because of the butterfly wing-like leaves. This plant has dark green edges with light green leaves. It is a famous houseplant with heart-shaped leaves. Place support for its maximum growth. They grow well in a medium light with a moderate and regular water supply.

syngonium varieties

Syngonium Podophyllum Painted Arrow 

Its leaves are arrowhead-shaped and have stunning shades of green, pink, white, and burgundy. The light required for their flourishing growth is normal to medium level. The Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant grows well in direct sunlight, the same is the case with the painted arrow plant. 

arrowhead plant varieties

The water supply should be moderate according to the needs of the plant. It prefers bright light but can also grow in medium light. Once a year repot your plant for its better growth. 

Syngonium Podophyllum Aurium Variegata 

Another rare variety with spear-shaped leaves. Its leaves have different marble-like patterns with a cream color. It is the most stunning variety and unlike other varieties, it has yellow colors.

types of arrowhead plants

It is very easy to grow with a medium light source and partially dry soil. This plant needs to be watered several times instead of a big soak. 

Syngonium Podophyllum five-finger 

This Syngonium is commonly known as five fingers. This is the evergreen plant with light branches and leaves spotted on the green part. They are also called goosefoot vines because they like full to partial sun. 

The reason behind their name five fingers is their unusual leaf shape. Every single node produces up to 5 separate lobes which are dark green with light green variegation. It thrives in 15 to 29-degree temperatures in indirect sun. So, it’s recommended that this plant be planted in spring and summer.

Syngonium Podophyllum mini pixie

This is known as a mini pixie that is famous for its climbing nature and slightly round-shaped leaf. Their leaves also exist in heart shape. They have a cream splash in the middle so they look pretty with green leaves and a cream splash in the middle. 

syngonium plant indoor

This is considered to be an adorable petite-sized Syngonium having pretty silver variegation. This foliage is delightful with shades of green and yellow that form attractive patterns. It is suggested to use them as a housewarming gift.

Syngonium Podophyllum Holly 

When you talk about Syngonium Podophyllum Holly, you come to know that this plant has a versatile nature. Their leaves are arrow-shaped and look bleached and show variegation. You have to be careful about their watering schedule and pruning. 

is syngonium a money plant

These can bear low and medium light and thrive greatly in indirect sun. Syngonium ‘Holy’ has striking silvery-white leaves. This is a very rare type and also needs care about regular watering, well-drained soil, and a good amount of light.

Syngonium Podophyllum Emerald Gem 

This variety is known as a true gem that has gorgeous, rich emerald and white foliage.  It has arrow-shaped leaves that have a beautiful green and white marbled appearance. Their glossy leaves love the shade that is bright sunlight, partial shade won’t affect them too.

how to care for syngonium podophyllum

It is stated that this variety is perfect to grow on a trellis like a jasmine because they have the climbing ability and are also known as the most tolerant variety for low humidity among all types.

Syngonium Podophyllum Maria allusion

Maria allusion is a unique variety of Syngonium Podophyllum. You can call them an attractive variety that is perfect for indoors. This plant grows well in semi-shade areas. They have illusion lines and features that are green and pink in color. 

syngonium maria allusion

They are plants that have butterfly-shaped leaves with green and pink waves in them. This makes them look attractive.

Syngonium Podophyllum Confetti 

This is known as the Milk Confetti plant, you can consider it as its second name. This is the most gorgeous variety and a rare species features leaves marbled with pink and green. This plant has confetti-like pink variegation on light green colored leaves that are arrow-shaped.

There is a secret fact about them that is, in their youth, they show arrow-like leaves but as they grow old, they start growing and change into lobes that associate irregular stars and elongated beams.

This plant can grow even in artificial light and low light but keep them away from direct sunlight. They can add a great vibrant look to the indoor spot. 

Syngonium Podophyllum wendlandii

This is a fantastic variety, that is beautiful and the only variety that attains a good height and it has a slow growth rate.  They have an elegant structure with a trailing habit.  Their leaves are pointy, arrow-shaped leaves that have a velvety surface. You also can it arrowhead plant varieties.

You can call this plant a feng shui because they have dark green leaves with silver-colored markings in the middle. The plant is also known as the ‘Silver Goosefoot’. As the plant matures, the leaves become increasingly lobed and form distinctly separated leaflets.

Syngonium Podophyllum silver pearl

It is one of the Syngonium types, known as the Goose plant.  These plants possess trailing habits and silver-colored leaves making them elegant. This is a plant having five-lobed leaves that indicate five main elements such as water, fire, earth, and metal.

You have to plant your Silver Pearl in a humid, shady spot and in a free-draining potting mix. You can use it as underplanting in tropical gardens.

Syngonium Podophyllum Batik

These plants have vibrant leaves that make them famous and this is the only reason why they frequently sell in the market. You can observe that this variety is in demand nowadays. 

Its name originated from Indonesia and means a dying cloth with wax. When you provide your plant an indirect sunlight it thrives for survival. This is the most famous variety among all types of Syngonium.

Syngonium Podophyllum Albolineatum

This type is known as African evergreen. This is the most quickly growing variety of Syngonium. Like all other varieties, it has green-colored leaves and they have climbing habits. They have the ability to grow in partial sunlight and are perfect for indoors.

This variety is harder to find, and you may find it difficult to find it in the market. If you grow this variety in your home garden then you have to pay extra attention to it so that you can meet its requirements.

Syngonium Podophyllum Bold Allusion 

There is a fact about this variety it seems unique because of the color of its leaves. But they are difficult to grow in a home garden because of their slow growth rate and hardness. They are considered indoor plants because they can survive inside the house much better than other types of Syngonium.

The word bold in its name indicates its thickened or thickly-clustered form, so it makes a great table plant but its spreading nature means it is also good ground cover.

Syngonium Podophyllum Green gold 

This is known as the arrowhead plant variety because these arrowheaded vines are low-maintenance, versatile plants. But it has a variety of colors that make it different from others. It can survive in half or partial sunlight. 

But you need to keep the humidity over 60% for the glossy healthy leaves. This variety has a trailing nature and can grow aerial roots easily. Its long arrow-shaped leaves create beautiful variegation with light and dark green.

Syngonium Pink Splash

The name indicates that it comes in with a splash. When you explore the different varieties of Syngonium, its pink color makes it different and charming among all.

For their best growth, you have to prune them regularly which makes it possible for them to grow new and young leaves. Its plus point is that it can grow in low light and can be considered an indoor plant.

Syngonium Fantasy

When you talk about Syngonium fantasy, you will attracted by its charming green and white variegation. It changes the color throughout the season. Its special name is Albo Variegation but it also grows very slowly which makes it easy to look after.

Here you have to struggle to maintain its beauty which will increase the beauty appearance of your garden. If you’re potting it, make sure to use a mix with a pH of 5.5–6.5.

Syngonium Gray Ghost

Unlike the name, it is a beautiful plant with dark green and grey mottling. It is the only plant that likes humidity about 50%. If they face a lack of moisture their leaves can turn brown, this is not a good sign because it leads your plant to silent death.

You can grow these amazing varieties in your home garden and you have to take care of them if you want them to grow fast and healthy.

Conclusion: Syngonium Varieties

These all are the different Syngonium varieties that you can grow in your garden. These all may differ from one another due to their appearance as their leaves differ from one another. Their leaves are the big symbol to indicate different varieties of Syngonium.

The best thing about them is that they are perfect indoor plants, they have an incredible ability to survive in low humidity and low sunlight. For growing them, You have to pay attention to their better growth as you have to regulate their water schedule, soil, moisture, and all other requirements.


Is Syngonium a lucky plant?

According to Feng Shui, the Syngonium Plant brings fortune, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity to your home or office.

Does Syngonium grow fast?

According to Feng-Shui, the Syngonium Plant brings fortune, health, wealth, abundance, and prosperity to your home or office.