Many pothos plants face that pothos root bound issue due to several reasons. Pothos rootbound is when the plant’s roots tangle together, and the nutrients and water availability are prevented by this. If the pothos face this problem it shows yellowing of leaves and pot cracking etc.
Pothos is an easy-care houseplant and is found everywhere with its popular varieties Marble Queen, Glacier, and Jade Pothos. As they are moderately fast-growing they need to be replanted somewhere else. In this guide, I will help you to know do pothos like to be root bound.
What is Root-Bound Pothos?
As the name indicates it is a problem caused by various problems specifically when the roots do not fit in a pot and get tangled. In this problem, roots can not grow freely and they are bounded. For a mature plant, it is difficult to stay in that condition for a long time but in the early stages, the problem can be solved.
I can explain in an easy way that when the plant is placed in a small pot, it can show symptoms like overgrown roots. This shows that the pot did not meet the plant’s need for space to grow. As it is easier to grow Pothos at the same time to propagate it is a snap.
Do Pothos Like To Be Root Bound?
No, it is not like Pothos to be rootbound they love to grow in a place with sufficient space so they can get enough space to spread their roots completely. But if the plant faces the root bound the Pothos got stressed. The plant’s stressful symptoms show the plant is not happy as its stem turns yellow in color, etc.
During this condition, Pothos, the plant’s roots did not get sufficient water and nutrients that are required for its flourishing growth. Due to the lack of certain nutrients various issues appear. The most prominent issue is that it causes the plant to grow at a slower rate.
Some plants like to be root-bound like cactus and some succulents. These are the plants that grow well when their roots are bounded. These plants grow in dry regions and can not grow in soil or water.
When the Pothos are suffering from this problem the slow growth of the plant is seen and is more catchy for pests and diseases. However, they can bear to be rootbound for a short period.
Signs of Root-Bound Pothos
Prevention is better than cure, the signs of it are important to be known. I am giving some early signs for it because the rootbound Pothos is not good for the garden.
More Visible Roots
- In this condition the roots of the plant get visible.
- If the drainage holes of the container start showing roots it indicates that roots are tangled together.
- The plant will ultimately die if it is allowed to stay in that condition for a longer period.
- The pot should be checked properly if it has cracks, it is another sign.
- The problem should solved to save the plant from dying.
Potting soil from drainage holes
- It will be shown by the drainage holes because the potting soil will come out of the pot.
- When there is a short space, the pressure on the potting mix increases.
- When this situation appears, the potting mix struggles and is pushed outside the drainage hole, which is absolutely not a good sign for the growth of any plant.
- Indeed, you will not see this sign in common because it is a rare one. However many farmers have faced this situation.
Cracks on pot
- A crack in the pot is an obvious sign that the roots of the plants are not comfortable in that particular situation.
- It also indicates that the plants can’t breathe properly in this situation.
- That’s why, the pressure results in the form of cracks in the pots.
- But you will only notice it in the clay pot because plastic pots’ composition never allows this. When this happens to plastic pots, they simply make plants dead.
Leaf discoloration and wilting
- When the plant starts turning yellow and brown this is known as leaf discoloration, which is the sign of root-bound pothos.
- You will notice the moisture issue in it, that can be caused by overwatering or underwatering schedule.
- This will change the foliage color and the foliage will become discolored like the leaves which are close to the plant’s base.
- It will wilt the leaves as well.
Extremely Dry Soil
- Dry soil is also the sign of root-bound pothos, it is common in all.
- When you see the roots have absorbed the water, the soil will dry for a long time.
- It will never allow the plant to get moisture.
- This condition will lead the plant to the root-bound pothos.
- So it is important to have an eye on the roots.
- Because it will be the correct time to largen the pot with new soil mix.
What to do with Root-Bound Pothos?
After knowing all about the signs of root-bound pothos, you need to know the ways that can help you get rid of them. Those ways are:
- Repotting your pothos
- Dividing your pothos
Repotting a pothos plant
The weel and good way to get rid of them is to replace your plant your another place that would be larger than the previous one. It will give more space to expand the roots. In this way, the plant will grow well. When you shift your plant to a new and larger place, it will offer a large amount of nutrients to the plant.
You have to consider the container of about 2 to 3 inches deep and bigger than the previous one. It will help you to resolve the issue. You have to keep in mind that your pot should have drainage holes.
You have to buy the new pot, once it’s done your next step will be replacing pothos in the new place. First, remove the excess soil from the pot and fix the plant there, if you find any trouble in doing so, use the sterilized knife.
The next step is to use a new potting mix and now prune dead and damaged roots. Now is the right time to fill the container with the potting mix of about one-third of the pot. You have to plant the photos in the container easily by filling the edges with the potting mix. Provide some space of about 1 to 2 inches for watering.
Dividing the pothos plant
The second step you can do is to divide the pothos plant. You can do this if you don’t have much place for them to give them a new place. You can follow this way to save your pothos from root-bound.
To do so you have to water your plant so that the soil becomes loose. It will take some time then take the plant out of the pot and make use of a sterilized knife to divide the roots. Take a new container and shift half roots to the new container.
Fill the new container with a good amount of potting mix. Dip the plant in the rooting hormone for better results. In this way, you can replant your plant but make sure to fill the edges of the container with the soil until it fills it. After you replant the pothos, water the plant well, so that it reduces its stress.
You will see that Pothos faces root-bound issues due to several reasons. Pothos rootbound is when the plant’s roots tangle together, and the nutrients and water availability are prevented by this.
Pothos is an easy-care houseplant and is found everywhere. Its popular varieties are Marble Queen, Glacier, and Jade Pothos. As they are moderately fast-growing they need to be replanted somewhere else. You can grow them in your home garden. It would be great to grow them there.
Can I use a decorative pot without a drainage hole for my golden pothos?
If your decorative pot doesn’t have a drainage hole, you can repot your golden pothos in a plastic pot that fits inside the decorative pot.
What type of soil should I use for repotting my golden pothos?
Use organic potting mix with perlite and cocoa for repotting your golden pothos.
Do pothos like tight pots?
The pothos do not grow well in the tight pots. Roots are not comfortable in it and cause cracks in the pots. So, you have to choose a big container for the pothos.