Does Bleach kill Weeds and Grass? how to use it?

Bleach is a chemical product that has positive as well as negative impacts. Most gardeners think that bleach kill weeds and grass. This is a big confusion among many people. Before making all the doubts clear, You need to know all about the bleach.

Bleach is a harsh chemical harmful to plants. It is a powerful product that can destroy your whole garden. So it would help if you had preventive measures in order to prevent your garden.

What Is Bleach?

Bleach is a chemical that is considered to be used in-house and on a large scale as well. It is famous for its use that people use it to remove stains from the clothes or to whiten your laundry. People also use it for disinfective purposes, mostly in their kitchens and bathrooms.

does bleach kill weeds

You can observe that bleach is being used to remove mold and mildew too. When you talk about weeds, bleach is one of the chemicals that is used to kill weeds in the home garden. This makes the statement clear does bleach kill weeds and grass

Sodium hypochlorite solution is one of the best bleaches that is in a liquid form and is diluted. It tends to kill plants, insects, and weeds. People also question does bleach kills grass, then they need to know that of course, it does. So, be cautious while using this in your home garden.

Cost-effectiveIt is cheaper than commercial herbicides which makes it affordable.
Effective against established weed growthIt can kill weeds and stop their regrowth.
Quick resultsIt only takes two to three days due to its effective action
Easily accessibleBleach is readily available in most households, making it convenient.

Does bleach kill weeds and grass?

Before using bleach, make sure it is suitable for removing weeds and grass permanently. Indeed, bleach is a mixture of sodium hypochlorite and minor quantities of sodium hydroxide and calcium hypochlorite. It reaches concentration ranges between 3 and 6 percent.

It can kill weeds and grass because it is considered to be poisonous to living organisms. It is a simple process that requires you to spray only on weeds and grass to get rid of them. It is also used to clean the surface. It is a simple phenomenon that bleach increases the pH level of the soil and makes soil unfertile and nothing can grow in that area. 

How to use bleach to kill weeds and grass?

Indeed, bleach is effective for getting rid of weeds and grass but if you don’t use it in a proper way you can get harmed by it, and you can hurt your garden. It can make your soil infertile and also affect the plants that you are saving from the weeds. 

does bleach kill grass

So you have to be careful in its use because you only have to kill weeds and grass not the rest of the plants. So, follow the process, and put bleach in the garden garden sprayer undiluted. Then directly apply the bleach to the weeds in your garden. If you see weeds and grass that didn’t die, repeat the same process on them. 

Is using bleach safe?

When you use any chemical, you need to know whether that chemical is safe or not. Using bleach to get rid of weeds seems easy but it is not easy and safe to use. It is particularly risky to use because it affects the health of the soil and leaves of the plants as well. 

If you unfortunately make the soil unfertilized, this indicates there is no chance of cultivation. Because it causes major damage to the environment. When you use an excessive amount of chlorine, this causes chlorine toxicity.

You need to put on gloves and safety glasses while using bleach. Be careful about the weather, it shouldn’t be windy. Also take care of your eyes, nose, and ears. Avoid overusing bleach on your garden’s soil. Wait for some time to check the results after the process.

how long does it take for bleach to kill grass

In the whole process, you will notice that Bleach will increase the pH level of the soil. You have to keep on flashing water for several months to make that soil again suitable for growing conditions.

How to use bleach as a herbicide?

You need to follow some instructions:

Wear safety gloves & eye protection at all times.Allow kids or pets near till it’s dry.Spray near plants you wish to keep.
Use on a calm day to prevent accidental spraying.Use on/near lawns or edible crops.
Wait a few days before pulling out the dead weeds.Use near sources of water.
Try a little to test the effectiveness.Use in aquatic environments.
Exclude children and pets from the area.Use on a day forecast for rain.Mix with other chemicals

Precautions to take while using bleach to kill weeds

You need gloves to put on, and also glasses are necessary. You need to be careful about the weather there shouldn’t be air that can harm your eyes by blowing bleach on your eyes. Use the simple bleach and there is no need to mix it with other chemicals because it can react negatively. 

You shouldn’t avoid the excessive use of bleach, and also test the bleach before using it. Children should be kept away from it. Not only children but also elders and animals should be kept out of the garden while using the bleach in the garden.

What are the alternative mixtures I can use with Bleach to kill weeds and grass?

The use of bleach harms some good microorganisms and they don’t survive at that pH level of the soil. You can also make this at home which can be called a home-made alternative mixture of bleach.

Bleach with Vinegar solution

Vinegar is a fine chemical that is edible and it can kill weeds well. You can mix it with bleach to increase the acidity which will act as a strong acid to kill weeds. 

will bleach kill grass permanently

This is a reasonable and well-known strong homemade herbicide. It will work well but if you have an extreme weed problem then do not dilute these solutions.

Use of Dish wash soap

It is the most common thing used in the house. This is considered to be the most easily available house product. You need to combine 1 cup of Clorox with 1 cup of water. Stir in 1 tablespoon of dish soap after adding the other ingredients. 

Now you need to fill a garden sprayer that is made up of plastic, with the solution. To kill weeds and grass, spot-spray the solution on the weeds in your garden, road, sidewalks, and grass areas. Bleach can stay up to two days in the soil, check the condition of the garden after a particular time period.

How long for bleach to kill weeds?

Bleach usually tends to kill the weeds in about 2 to 3 days. You will notice that the weeds start to turn brown after the application of bleach on them. Their turning color indicates the rapid action of the bleach and tells us that the weeds are dying.

how long does it take bleach to kill grass

Bleach is alkaline so it will kill them. It will also affect the grass if it is not hard but if the grass is hard it will take different time to show action. Weeds can be killed in a single round of bleach, permanently and faster.

Is Bleach A Permanent Weed Killer?

It is a pleasure to know that bleach is a permanent weed killer, it tends to act as a permanent killer for the weeds in your garden. It has a stunning reason behind it the reduction of pH level in the soil by the bleach.

It happens because the pH level reduces in the soil with the help of bleach, then it tells that no weeds will be growing anymore in your home garden. 


Weeds are unwanted plants that grow in your garden. You need to remove them. You can use bleach to kill them. But the most demanding question is does bleach kills the weeds and grass. Of course, it does. 

You need to follow some instructions and precautions in order to prevent damage. This is great to know about the additional information about the usage of bleach. You can use it to gain benefits from it.


Does bleach kill grass?

The bleach will kill existing weeds and help prevent new ones from sprouting. But bleach will also kill grass, flowers, and other vegetation, so take care where you aim.

Will bleach kill grass permanently?

The bleach will kill the grass but you can replant after the soil has recovered. This can take from a few rainfalls or hose flushing up to a year.

How long does it take for bleach to kill grass?

Let it lie for two to three days. Bleach can stay up to two days in the soil and start getting fade slowly.

Will vinegar kill grass?

 Vinegar is a non-selective herbicide, meaning it can harm or even kill any plants it comes into contact with.

What kills grass the fastest?

The best way to kill the existing lawn and weeds is to apply a nonselective herbicide, such as glyphosate, over the entire area.