Is Cactus a Vegetable or a Fruit? (Can you eat it?)

A cactus is scientifically known as Cactaceae and belongs to the family Cactaceae. Many people question whether that is cactus a vegetable or a fruit, whether is it edible or not. There are many types of cactus that can be eaten easily. These plants have fleshy leaves that are not recommended to eat, you should be careful about them.

People would be glad to know that the edible cactus is also known as nopales (noh-PAH-lays), nopalitos, or cactus pads. You can cook them as vegetables and eat them, they prove healthy for the human body but you need to be careful about the toxic part. When you cook it you will find its resemblance with okra and taste resembles the taste of green beans.

Is Cactus a Vegetable or a Fruit?

You know cacti are xerophytes which means you don’t need to care for them much because they can survive with low amounts of water and can also survive without water for many days. Capsules are the fruits created by this plant. 

They are edible and prove very healthy for the human body. But here now, you need to follow some instructions not to eat the roots, leaves, and stems that can be considered the toxic part of the plant, you should avoid eating them.

As far as the query is concerned whether you can eat them or not, there is information for you that some cacti are edible but you can’t eat every kind of cactus, as this can be poisonous for human health so it is not recommended to eat every cactus. Prickly pear and elephant bush cactus are easy to grow in home. Elephant bush cactus looks like the Christmas cactus.

is cactus a vegetable

The types of cacti you can eat can be stored for later and dried as well. If you store them for a long their taste can be changed and can be intact so you should store them for 3 months.

Can you eat cactus in the desert?

The cactus is the fruit of the desert, it used to grow in the desert. They are prickly pear and possess many parts that can be eaten. This can save your life if you have nothing to eat in the desert. So if you happen to travel through the desert and face a shortage of food then you can them and save your life.

This plant has some pads like parts that can be cooked and consumed as well. You can use them in salads and soups as well and they can also be consumed raw. These look very attractive because of their red and fleshy color. But you need to remove the toxic part before using it.

Benefits of eating Cactus

You will be glad to know that the plant named cactus has many health benefits. It is beneficial for human health and helps reduce the fat in the body. This is good for maintaining blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body.

is a cactus a vegetable

The cactus fruits are famous for having a positive impact on heart diseases, and stroke issues. You can eat them to prevent vascular issues. The cactus juice has the lowest level of calories which don’t affect any circulatory passage of your body.

Which cacti are edible? (edible Cacti varieties)

There are many different cacti that are edible and have many benefits for human health. You need to follow the list to learn about them:

Prickly pear cactus

This plant is a tropical plant and you will find it tropical while eating in a raw form. They pick the orange color when they get fully ripped and contain the sweet taste. These pads can also be eaten and you can use them in salad, soups, drinks, etc.

One more thing about them, they can be eaten without removing their skin. Sweet makers use it because they come in the form of candy, jellies, and other sweets in the market. Prickly pear cactus has been a Mexican and Central American dietary staple for thousands of years. 

Cholla cactus

This variety is known as the genus Cylindropuntia. It belongs to the family Cactaceae. Their buds are edible you can enjoy them eating their buds. They can be used in desserts, drinks, and sweeteners. But you can eat them raw as well. 

is cactus a fruit or vegetable

You will find that their taste is a bit similar to the taste of asparagus and artichoke. Chollas cactus is native to North and South America and the West Indies. Also, remember that some cholla fruits are edible, but not all.

Dragon fruit cactus

The scientific name of this plant is Hylocereus undatus. They are juicier than any other variety like watermelon and look like tropical types. You can eat them without removing their skin. They are used in salads, making juices, and drinks.

You should know that their common names are Dragon Fruit, pitahaya, Strawberry Pear, Honolulu Queen, and Moonlight Cactus. They need full sun to grow but can also survive in partial. They grow up to 10–20 ft. tall, 3–10 ft. wide

Barrel cactus

They are scientifically known as Echinocactus. They belong to the family Cactaceae. This plant is native to North and South America. They used to look like pineapple but they are small in size. 

are cacti vegetables

You will find them expensive in the market because of their stunning taste and limited edition. As it is obvious that you can eat them raw but you will be glad to know that you can eat their seeds too. They can be used in desserts, side dishes, salads, etc.

Saguaro cactus

They are scientifically known as Carnegiea gigantea. They are pulpy in existence and are more like prickly ones. They have small seeds and these seeds are full of fruits. You can eat them in a raw form and can enjoy their taste. 

They can also be used to make jams, jellies, syrups, etc. their other varieties are known as Ardisia, Sword pear, Orchid cactus, and Barbados gooseberry. You should know all about them so that you can grow them in your garden and enjoy their taste as well.

What Cacti are not edible?

Some varieties are not recommended to eat because they can hurt you. The varieties of cacti that are not edible are:

  • Peyote cactus
  • San Pedro cactus
  • Bolivian torch cactus
is a cactus a fruit or vegetable

Side effects of eating Cactus

Some varieties of cacti look attractive and provoke people to eat them. They should not be eaten because they can hurt your stomach. You may have an idea that not all the parts of the cactus are toxic but still, you should be careful about them. 

You are already familiar with the varieties that are not recommended to eat so you should avoid them and be attentive in your selection of edible cacti. Toxic varieties should not be ingested as they cause severe damage to the digestive system. They are harmful as they cause headaches, diarrhea, etc after getting ingested. 

Ways to grow Cactus

There is good news for cacti lovers they can easily grow them in their home garden and can get their benefits. When you grow them in your garden you can enjoy their amazing taste anytime. You can grow indoors and outdoors. To grow them you need to give them the well-draining and moisture-controlling capacity of the soil.

The following are three types of cactus you can grow easily in your house:

  • Prickly pear cactus
  • Dragon fruit cactus
  • Elephant bush cactus
is cactus a vegetable

Prickly Pear Cactus

When you explore this variety you come to know that this proves healthy and beneficial for human health. It is known as a popular variety among cacti fruits you can eat them as salads and snacks.

You can grow them in your garden without any difficulty, you just need to follow these steps;

  • Take a container of the size of your choice, in which you will plant them.
  • Fill it with well-drained soil.
  • For planting them you need to dig the hole according to the cactus root ball.
  • The holes should be obvious so that you can plant the plant there. 
  • Water them moderately for almost 10 to 15 days. 
  • You need to select the right place for them to locate them. 
  • They prefer direct sunlight so it’s better to locate them in the open areas.
  • Provide the cactus with bright sunlight for at least 5-6 hours a day to grow them.

Dragon Fruit Cactus

These are attractive fruits, famous for their taste that resembles pears and kiwis. You can grow them by following these steps:

  • Take the container and fill it with the well-drained soil.
  • Dig a hole so that you can put the plant there.
  • Select the right place to locate them.
  • They love direct sun so locate them in the open areas.
  • They need to get at least 7-8 hours of sunlight in a day.
  • If you are sowing the seeds for growing them it will take up to 6 years but growing by cutting will take only one year.

Elephant Bush Cactus

This variety is a bit different from others in its taste because it has a sour taste. Because of their crunchy texture, they can easily be used in salads and soups. You can grow them in your garden by following these steps:

  • First, you would need to find a mixture of drainable soil for potting.
  • Dig a hole and put the plant there.
  • Water them moderately, and remember to avoid overwatering.
  • They need direct sunlight so you should plant them in sunny areas. 
  • You need to protect the plant from harmful sunlight.


There are many varieties in the market that are edible. You have to learn about them before eating them. It is recommended for you to learn everything about them so that you can grow them easily if you want to. You should be familiar with the varieties that are edible and that are not. 

Many people are confused about whether is cactus a vegetable or a fruit. So study them and you can also grow them in your garden. You just need to follow the steps mentioned earlier, these will help you grow cacti in your garden.


What does cactus taste like?

When cooked they have a taste comparable to green beans and a texture similar to okra. Others say they have a nice lemony flavor and a light crunch like bell peppers.

Can you eat cactus?

Edible cactus is also known as nopales (noh-PAH-lays), nopales, or cactus pads. The flat green leaves (also known as stems, paddles, or pads) are eaten like a vegetable. 

Is cactus a vegetable?

The prickly pear cactus plant is a vegetable and a fruit. It is one of the few plants that are both. The green pods (pads), called napolito, are the vegetable and the red-colored pear (tuna) of the cactus is the fruit.