7+ Causes of Peace Lily Flowers Turning Brown or Black 

The peace is the plant that’s scientific name is Spathiphyllum wallisii.  This is popular for its white blooms and air-purifying qualities. It is best known for its being perfect as an indoor plant. But people become worried when their lily flowers turn brown or black. There are some causes of peace lily flowers turning brown or black.

This is considered the most common issue that almost every gardener faces in his journey of planting lily flowers in his garden. This could be due to some reasons such as poor lighting, overwatering, and too much fertilizing.

Causes of Peace Lily Flowers Turning Brown or Black

It is important to be aware of the causes that make your lily flowers turn brown or black. To manage this, you need to maintain its growth. But it could be possible when you would know the reason why it’s happening. Some causes can help you by telling its main reasons so that you can handle this problem.

Botrytis Blight (Gray Mold)

The fungal disease named Botrytis Blight affects many plants including peace lilies. Its second name Gray Mold is considered one of the causes of Peace Lily Flower turning Brown or Black. This fungus is due to moist, humid conditions that make the plant turn brown or black. 

peace lily flowers turning brown

When you observe this fungus on your plant you must take action because if you don’t this will affect your whole plant and also can cause the death of your plant. You can cut off the affected art and also use a fungicide solution to resolve this issue. But, in this case, you need to follow the directions mentioned in the Fungicide solution.

Poor Drainage

Poor drainage is another major cause behind turning a plant brown or black. Because the well-drained soil lies in the basic requirements for any plant. When you don’t pay attention to it, the soil becomes dry and also hard and does not meet the requirements of a plant, in this way, the plant starts turning dry due to lack of sufficient amount of water.

You have to be attentive in choosing the pot while planting a peace lily. Make sure your pot works well. You need to water your plant regularly. This can save your plant from poor drainage and overcome your burden.

Bacterial Brown Spot

This is the most common cause of turning lily flowers brown or black. It may show obvious signs like when you observe your plant is turning brown and has small dark spots on it then it must be due to bacterial attack

You will find small spots but not all the time. You can also find large spots sometimes. This bacteria can be caused due to the bacterium Pseudomonas syringae. It is found in the soil. This enters the plant through the affected part of the leaves and starts damaging the whole plant gradually.

peace lily flower turning brown

This problem is controllable, you can resolve the issue by using fungicides that possess copper or mancozeb. It requires a particular time for its application as you have to use it before appearing the brown spot on the plants. If you late the procedure it won’t work and in this way, your plant will die.

The Control and Management

This includes all the main factors, as you have to keep in mind the watering schedule, soil management, balanced fertilizers, and many other important things.  If you don’t pay attention to it, they can be causes of Peace Lily  Flowers turning brown or Black.

Provide your plant with balanced fertilizers, and well-drained soil, and take care of moist humidity and water schedule. That’s all you need to do to prevent your plant from turning brown or black.

Ringspot Virus

This virus is considered the most common among all viruses that easily affect lilies. Aphids and other sucking insects cause this virus, and it creates the dark brown spots on the leaves of the plants. So, it can be said that the Ringspot virus is another cause of peace lily flower turning black.

why is my peace lily flower turning brown

This stunning fact about it is that you may find their rings surrounded by the yellow halo that results in the gradual death of a plant. You need to cure this if you want your plant to last long.

Inadequate Light

When you talk about the causes that affect your plant, you must think about inadequate light. Because light is one of the primary factors that plants need to grow. So insufficient light can slow the natural growing process and cause the flowers to wither in the green stage.

You can overcome this issue by showing some attentiveness. When you observe that your plant is not getting sufficient light, move your plant to a new location that is brighter than the previous place, this will help your plant to grow healthy.

Environmental Stress

The environment of a plant matters a lot for the growth of a plant. If the environment goes through sudden changes, this will definitely affect the health of your plant. Suppose, your plant has to face a sudden heat shock, it will make sudden changes in your plant too. 

peace lily flower turning black

You need to maintain consistent environmental conditions that include the right temperature and balanced humidity level that directly affect your plant’s aging process.


Peace Lily flower growth stages are the most beautiful plants that are mostly preferred to keep inside the home because they are perfect indoor plants. They are famous for their charming look and pleasant smell. But they have to face some problems in their life period.

You need to focus on the causes of Peace Lily Flowerers turning brown or Black. By keeping all the causes and their solution in mind, you can make your plant grow longer and healthier. Environmental factors play an essential role in their growth.


Do green peace lily flowers turn white again?

Green flowers on your peace lily won’t revert to white. This is a natural part of the peace lily’s life cycle. Instead, they will turn brown and eventually die off.

Why is my peace lily flower turning brown?

Frequent repotting, poor soil quality, nutrient deficiencies, inadequate light, and poor watering can all distress your peace lily. 

How to fix black leaves in Peace Lilies?

If your Peace Lily has black leaves on them, you need to quickly detect the problem and take action without any delay to help them survive.

What helps a peace lily bloom?

Peace lily plants respond not only to light changes but to temperature and humidity levels. To encourage the plant to bloom, move it to a slightly brighter location. 

Can peace lily live without sunlight?

Peace lilies are a good choice for low-light spaces because they can survive in shade or partial shade.