Peace lily flowers turning green – How to fix Green Peace lily Blooms?

Peace lily is a plant that is famous for its existence in cold regions, you can grow this plant at home. The foliage is attractive but the plant creates stunning white flowers. You will observe peace lily flowers turning green, this can be due to some negligence.

You have to struggle and pay attention to maintain the color contrast in your lily, if it only produces a green color in its petals then you are lacking somewhere. Your lily needs proper care that is not provided. This is happening because you don’t have enough knowledge to maintain its growth process.

Why is Your Peace Lily Flowers Turning Green? 

Sapthe is the part of the lily that is responsible for the color of its petals. It tends to change the color of the flowers. It has a function to give the flower a green color that lately turn into a white color. But if you notice peace lily flower turning green, it is a sign that your slower is of no use anymore.

Many people question why are my peace lily flowers green. When this happens, it destroys the whole look of your plant. Because in this process your flowers start turning brown and vanish. So behind this, there are some factors responsible:

USDA hardiness11 to 12 zone
Temperature65-90°F (18-30 °C). Avoid sudden temperature changes, cold drafts, or placing near air conditioning or heating system vents.
HumidityAt least 50% plus
Light requirementBright, indirect light, but lower light is okay.
Best soilSlightly acid, pH 5.8 to 6.5, well-drained, soil highly rich in organic matter.
WateringKeep the soil constantly moist but not soggy, and only water when the top one inch of the potting mix feels dry.  
FertilizerFeed once in 6 to 8 weeks or as recommended using a balanced, houseplant fertilizer.
Pruning and groomingPrune off any dead, damaged, or diseased leaves at the lower end of the leaf stalk with sterilized pruning scissors.  You need to shower the leaves using water if they become too dusty. 
RepottingYou should repot your Spathiphyllum after every 1-2 years.


Overfertilization can be the biggest reason for peace lily green flowers turning green. When you provide any plant with an excessive amount of fertilization, it shows negative impacts instead of positive. 

The peace lily is a plant that can grow in low fertilization, it doesn’t need overfertilization. So, you should avoid this and make your lily survive for long.

Over sunlight

Some plants can bear over sunlight and can survive in this situation but lily does not lie on that list. A peaceful lily needs less sunlight, but when you plant a peaceful lily in full sunlight, it starts burning and does not grow the way it should. 

peace lily flowers turning green

You should avoid planting them in full sunlight and should give them proper attention so that they can grow in a better condition.

Poor Watering Practices

Consistency is the key to any task. Everything needs consistency and Lily does so. It also prefers consistency and needs moist soil. It prefers a moderate water schedule that shouldn’t be a low watering schedule and over watering as well.

peace lily green flowers

So pay attention to this factor to keep your lily plant healthy and to avoid a Peace lily flower turning green.

Insufficient Humidity

Humidity is another cause for peace lily turning green. It will turn green if it grows in indoor spaces with low humidity. These include heated and air-conditioned rooms with reduced levels of air moisture, which can lead to browning flowers of your beloved peace lily plant.

So you should take care of it and grow your lily in a sufficiently humid area. This will give your plant a chance to grow in a better condition.


There are some factors that can cause stress to your plant such as frequent repotting, poor soil quality, nutrient deficiencies, inadequate light, and poor watering. Avoid all these factors in order to grow your plant in good condition. 

why are my peace lily flowers green

The stress causes the plant’s flowers and leaves to turn brown or black and look wilted or deformed. So your plant needs a stress-free environment.

How to fix Green Peace Lily Blooms? 

When you meet any problem, you need a way to fix it. Some factors are used to fix this issue of green turning of lilies. You need to control these turning green flowers and turn them to their natural color. 

Symptoms and Advice

You can follow them to acquire the good lily plant:

Watering system

You need to water your lilies regularly. Provide it with water whenever the soil gets dry. But try not to overwater it.


You need to provide them with light fertilizers. When the growth is going, provide them with fertilizers. When you notice a green pigment color, stop the fertilization process. 


Peace lily requires low sunlight, they can’t bear direct and full sunlight. but if you provide them with too much light, they will turn green.

Caring For The Flowers

Every sensitive thing needs care and lily flowers need your care. You should take care of the stems at the base of the plants so that they invest their energy in maintaining the health and white flowers.

peace lily flower turning green

So when your flowers start blooming it tells that the plant’s health is maintained and they are able to create new flowers and plants. 

Caring For The Plant

When you observe the green blooms on your lily plants that means you are not paying your full attention to it. You need to water your plant regularly but avoid overwatering because it causes issues. Only water your plant when you see it’s getting dry.

You need to give your plant a suitable temperature, they can survive in a wide range of temperatures. But if you are growing them outside the home then they need to cover and protect them from the cooler winds. 

But if you are growing them inside the home make sure you plant them away from the airy places. Because this plant cannot grow well in cold air during summer months nor they dont need hot air during winter.

peace lily turning green


Peace lily is a plant that is famous for its existence in cold regions, you can grow this plant at home. You will observe peace lily flowers turning green, this can be due to some negligence. You should avoid those negligences.

You have to struggle and pay attention to maintain the color contrast in your lily, if it only produces a green color in its petals then you are lacking somewhere. Your lily needs proper care that is not provided. 


Should I Remove Flowers From Peace Lily?

If these flowers are affected by pests or diseases and become green, yellow, or brown for aging then you should remove them.  

How long do the peace lily flowers last?

Peace lilies can last more than a month if you provide them with proper care. Place them in indirect sunlight for better results. 

Why do the flowers turn green?

The turning of the white color flower into the green color is due to photosynthesis as when you prove the plant has too much light, it absorbs that and performs photosynthesis.

How do I get more flowers on my peace lily?

To encourage more blooms, provide optimal conditions. Place your plant in a room with indirect, bright light, adhere to a consistent watering schedule, and fertilize during the growing season.