Pothos in Aquarium: Best Ways and benefits for keeping in Aquarium

The biggest benefit you have with pothos in aquarium is that they keep water pure by absorbing toxic nitrogen compounds from the water. For the beginner, it is necessary to know aquarium plants absorb the waste that is produced by the fish in the water. When you examine the Pothos fish tank, you come to know that there are many types of aquarium plants.

It is common for all gardeners and field-related people to know all about this, but if you don’t know you need to learn the freshwater aquarium plants guide. Because they act as a filter and reduce nitrate levels, this will keep your fish happy and healthy as well.

Scientific NameEpipremnum aureum
Care Leveleasy
Growth Ratemedium
Maximum Size6.5 feet (2 meters)
Water ConditionspH range of 6.0-7.0, temperature 75°-78°F (17°-30°C) 
Lightinglow to medium
Tank Placementemersed  
Common Namesdevil’s ivy, silver vine, devil’s vine, taro vine, hunter’s robe, golden pothos

About pothos plants

The tropical pothos plants are considered very beneficial because of their abilities. They are leafy, trailing, vining plants. They can grow taller enough in the open area. Their specialty is to come under the evergreen plant category.  They have thick, waxy green leaves that make heart shapes in their appearance. 

You should know that they produce leaves yellow in color. They have attractive foliage as well that attracts people’s attention. They produce 12 inches long leaves in the optimum condition. But you need to take care of them to let them grow their best. 

You can grow this plant as a hanging plant, if you grow then on the tree it will climb up. This plant can be beneficial for both plants and fish as well. Some different types of aquarium plants produce different colors. 

pothos in aquarium

These enhance the aesthetic appeal of fish tanks. They serve for dual purpose as they enhance the look of the tank and maintain the water clearness as well. They require minimal maintenance and their leaves are hardy even when not given much light. They should be compatible with fish species and other aquatic life in a tank.

How to place pothos in an aquarium

It’s not difficult to add the pothos plant to the aquarium plants, you just need to follow some steps to add them so that they can be grown successfully underwater. These are the some steps you need to focus on:

Take cuttings

The first step you need to do is to cut the stem of the plant, make sure the stem should be a few inches long and also contains some leaves on it. You need to cut the bottom leaves from the stem of the plant and then place the cutting into the water.

pothos in fish tank

You have to take care of such things as you have to make sure that the cutting should be healthy so that the plant can be grown in the water as well. For backup, you can select a strong stem.

Root cuttings

Now you have to pay attention and select the place where you can place the cutting. You have to select the place for the stem where it shouldn’t be disturbed.  You need to provide it with indirect sunlight so that it can grow the way it wants to grow.

pothos plant aquarium

When you plant the pothos as the aquarium plant, you have to struggle for its healthy growth. For successful growth, you need to change the water of a tank once a week. After several weeks, the cutting will start to grow. Pothos do not like to be rootbound as it limits its water and nutrients availability.

Transfer cuttings

When you notice that the cutting has started to grow it has grown 3-4 inches long. It is a sign for you to know that they are ready to transfer into the aquarium plant. You also need to know the time span of the cutting’s growth, it will take a month to reach 4 inches in length.

pothos aquarium

You have to wait for the roots to get long, once they grow long and long you can transfer to the aquarium easily. As far as the short roots are concerned, they will cause trouble to you at the time of transferring to the aquarium.

Anchor cuttings

The final step is difficult and important is to anchor the newly rooted plant in a freshwater aquarium plants. But make sure only the roots and stem parts of the plant are underwater. You also have to take care that the leaves shouldn’t be submerged because they will not let your plant grow.

Benefits of Pothos in Aquariums

You can notice the benefits of keeping pothos plants in aquariums, here these are:

Remove Nitrates

You can see that nitrate is the end product present in the nitrogen cycle and is in every healthy aquarium ecosystem. This can be done by replacing half water in the tank. Planting this plant in the aquarium can help you get rid of nitrates because they absorb nitrates and other nutrients from the water.

This plant is able to remove water from the water column. The rate of absorption of the Calcium nitrate, Calcium Ammonium nitrate, and Magnesium Nitrate is the only difference that makes the pothos plants and aquatic plants. The pothos plant’s leaves are used to grow above water and the roots of the are only in water which makes them grow much faster. You can use Silver Nitrate Sticks to check the nitrate level.

Combat Algae

The algae is formed by the deficiency of the nutrients in the water. This can be due to too much amount of light and high nitrate levels in the aquarium. This can make foliage in the water which can lead your plant to suffer, So you have to overcome the growth of algae.

This can be done by using the CO2 system, you have to set the lights on a timer, reduce the feeding of fish, use RO water, and grow pothos plants in the aquarium. These are efficient in removing nitrates and other nutrients from the water which reduces the growth of the algae in the water. 

Provides Cover

This plant has a fast-growing rate that grows roots after they are grown with a large amount of leaves on it. They used to be strong and had a thick root system that gave a beautiful cover to the tank for fish. 

pothos plant in aquarium

This grows the root well and creates a line of sight in the tank. Fish are used to take cover between the roots of the plants. You need to take time to your plant as well.

Looks Awesome

When you grow a pothos plant it does not give a charming look in the pot only but it also suits the aquarium. Which provides them with a more attractive look. When it comes to the light conditions you need to give them good light conditions.

You need to place the pothos plant in aquarium on the wall so that you can attach a transparent fishing line to the ceiling, this will help in plant to have them support.

Omnivore Fish Proof

You can put omnivore fish in the tank, they used to eat anything in your aquarium plants freshwater such as African cichlids eat most of the aquatic plants. These fish eat a lot and also make the waste a lot in the water and in a very short time. 

This would be great to grow pothos in a fish like them. This helps you reduce nitrates and make the fish tank look more charming. You cannot grow pothos in a plant aquarium without having the basic knowledge of how to take care of them.

Care for pothos in an aquarium

It is not difficult to take care of this plant but still, you need to focus on the tips that will make you aware of how to care for your plants. You can follow these tips to take care of your plants:

Provide the right light

It is one of the aquatic plants for aquarium. They need bright, indirect sunlight and low-light conditions. These cannot be the ideal condition for the plant. You need to focus on the placement of the plants, make sure to place them in a place where they can get bright light, and try to keep them away from direct sunlight. You can also use artificial lighting to maintain the light conditions.  

Trim roots

You have to check the growth rate of the plant, this will help your plant to prevent the deficiency of the nutrients in the aquarium. You also need to prune the plants. You can use the sharp scissors for this purpose.

You need to always have an eye on the roots and inspect if there are any dead roots or destroyed roots there. If somehow you notice the damaged roots there remove them because they can destroy the rest of the plant.

Feed the pothos

This plant needs occasional fertilizers to encourage the health and growth of the plant. This makes the plant form strong roots and the rest of the plant’s parts as well. You need to add fertilization once a month with liquid fertilizer which is safe for the aquarium plants freshwater plants.

Change the water regularly

You need to change the water of the Pothos in aquarium, it may vary from the array of factors for example size of the tank, etc. The water itself gives you a sign to replace it. It starts making murky in it so that you can easily know that it’s time to change the water.

Maintain the temperature

Air temperatures also needed to be focused on. You need to maintain a consistent air temperature that is between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s not difficult to maintain air temperature if you are keeping your plant in the aquarium. In this condition, the temperature varies drastically which will cause pothos stress and will affect the plant health.

Keep the pothos out of salt water

They should be avoided to grow in the salty water. Let them stay away from the salty water and never add any sort of salt to the tank. If you want to do so then you need to have a saltwater tank you need to decide which plant to select as an aquatic plant that is good to be grown in salty water such as Halimeda. 


The biggest benefit you have with pothos in aquarium is that they keep water pure by absorbing toxic nitrogen compounds from the water. For the beginner, it is necessary to know aquarium plants absorb the waste that is produced by the fish in the water.

It is common for all gardeners and field-related people to know all about this, but if you don’t know you need to learn the freshwater aquarium plants guide. Because they act as a filter and reduce nitrate levels, this will keep your fish happy and healthy as well.


How do I place pothos in an aquarium?

You can place pothos in an aquarium by fully submerging the plant in water or by planting it in a separate container with the roots directly in the water.

What are the benefits of having pothos in my aquarium?

Pothos in an aquarium can help in reducing nitrates from the water, providing nutrients for the plant, creating a natural look in the tank, and with enough light, pothos can grow quite well.

How do you care for a pothos plant indoors?

Place it in bright, indirect light. Allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry down between waterings. Feed it regularly with plant food. Create more pothos plants by placing cuttings in water or a rooting medium. Avoid too much sun to prevent yellow leaves.

Which plants can be kept in aquarium?

These are some plants that can be kept in aquariums Coontail Anubias, Java moss, Echinodorus grisebachii, Leptochilus pteropus, Vallisneria, Marimo, etc.